Vier junge Männer gründeten vor nicht allzu langer Zeit im kleinen bescheidenen Bergen in Norwegen die Band „The New Wine“. Sie liebten es zu jammen und die Menschen mit ihrer Musik zum Tanzen zu bringen. So kam es dazu, dass ein bekannter Musiker aus Bergen sich ihnen annahm: ihr Mentor war jedoch kein geringerer als Erlend Øye, der Sänger der Band „The Whitest Boy Alive“ und Mitglied von „Kings of Convenience“. So tourten sie im Jahr 2009 mit „The Whitest Boy Alive“ durch ganz Europa und traten unter anderem auch beim MELT! auf. Jetzt sind sie alleine auf Tour und beglücken die Zuschauer mit ihren funkigen und rockigen Sounds. Wir von Remarx haben Johan Hatleskog, den Bassisten der Band, zu einem Interview in Chemnitz getroffen.
You released your Debutalbum „Waves“ recently. How do you create your songs and who is the lyricist?
Johan: We usually write everything together, when we make music. It’s very much about just spending time in our rehersalroom and making musik together. It’s not like anyone has finished songs when we come to the rehersalroom. We just play like a guitar-riff or a bass-line or something and then it sort of develops by jamming and after a while we take the good parts, put them together and a song is made. That’s the short version. When it comes to the lyrics it’s Stian our Vocalist. He has been writing the lyrics, at least so far.
Have you been on a really big stage?
Johan: One of the biggest stages must have been in Brussel one time. We supported the Whitest Boy Alive on their tour in Europe in 2009. We did this encore together with The Whitest Boy Alive and 2000 people just got crazy in this big hall. And it was an amazing mood, really cool.
Is there a story behind the bandname?
Johan: Well, the name is always a little bit difficult to explain. But I suppose the reason why the name was choosen, was kind of a coincidence: Geir (Synthezisers) called a song „The New Wine“ for some strange reason. One of the other guys said it was a nice name. It’s a little bit contentious, saying that our music is the new wine. In Bergen when we started with this kind of music, we were the only band doing just what we’re doing, so we were like ahh THIS is something new we’re doing.
Image you are dropped of on an island in the sea. You can take three things with you, what would it be?
Johan: I suppose the most important stuff would be like music, food… i have no i idee what i would do!
So, you are more the practical type?
Johan: Well I, if i was driving on an island, i would like to have something to do. And obviously music would be a nice thing to do, so perheps like a guitare would be nice. And it would also be nice to bring along some friends, because it would be a bit boring, just to be there alone So I hope it’s possible to get stranded with some friends. That would be very nice! And a place to stay, like a house. If you can bring that.
What about building a house by yourself ?
Johan: Oh ok, then just tools for building!
Thanks for the Interview!
Johan Hatleskog – electric bass guitar
Geir Hermansen – synthesizers
Stian Iversen – guitar and vocals
Adrian Søgnen – drums
„Delete, Rewind“ vom Debutalbum „Waves“
Delete, Rewind by The New Wine